Frictionless customer payments

Gain more control over cash flow

Recurring payments from MultiPay breaks down the barriers to customers being able to make payments, improving the user experience and business efficiencies.

It’s also often important that you can control the payments that customers make, either because delivering a service depends on a payment being made, or you’ve agreed regular payments, and you need to make sure that cash flow is maintained.

For example, recurring payment collection times can be controlled to allocate funds at certain times of day.

Benefits of using Recurring Payments from MultiPay

Low risk implementation

Improved customer experience

Single provider for all your digital payments

Solution provides ISO compliance for a fully robust and secure platform for your business

PayPoint is certified as a PCI DSS Level 1 Service Provider which is maintained year-on-year by undergoing an annual assessor-led on-site assessment against all the controls requirements in the PCI DSS

Single view of all payment channels for both digital and cash payments through our client portal

Our team are experts in user journeys and payments, and can offer guidance on strategic payment journeys and customer experience transformation. Get in touch today

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We will contact you about your request and about services we provide to you or you provide to us. We will not sell your details to third parties for marketing purposes. Please see our Privacy Statement for more information on how we use your personal data.