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Direct Debit - Effective Digital Management

30 August 2019

PayPoint offers market-leading omnichannel payments for your customers.

More organisations are wanting to manage Direct Debits digitally, with over four billion Direct Debits transacted every year. They cover every market that takes regular payments from customers. Whilst Energy and Utilities lead the way, Insurance is a significant share and sectors such as Vehicle Finance, Debt Collection, and Student Loan Repayments are growing quickly.

Direct Debit is a fundamental payment method that must be offered to your customers who are seeking choice and flexibility. Increasingly, unwieldy and time-consuming paper sign-ups are being replaced by digital solutions that enable organisations to offer the payment to customers as part of a digital user journey.

Many organisations will build their own DD integrations, but this can prove difficult to do when there are other competing priorities, and little in-house expertise in the Direct Debit discipline. An out-of-the-box solution for Direct Debit through online forms and API is vital.

There are challenges in ensuring Direct Debits are initiated, tracked and reported on, in line with regulations. A management console is key to ensure that your organisation can be confident in offering and managing the capability and enabling efficient internal reporting.

GDPR is an ever-present consideration. A hosted online capability will ensure that your Direct Debit portal comes with fully built in compliance.

MultiPay Direct Debit is an integral part of the ongoing digitisation of payments. Organisations are seeking to ensure they can offer Direct Debit without internal friction and cost. Digitising your Direct Debit needs is easy with MultiPay from PayPoint. The Direct Debit capability of MultiPay offers a full management console, APIs, and sign up form capabilities. You can be setting up Direct Debits in a matter of a few days.

Mark Anderson, MultiPay Product Manager